Shrimp n' Lobster are thrilled to be taking part in the Night of Ideas event at the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles. "The theme, "facing our Time" will be exploring challenges around ecological and climate change through the lenses of science, nature and art." Look for Shrimp n' Lobster in the Nature Lab on the ground floor! They will be hosting a Color-It-In Sea Creature workshop as well as a photo booth where you can pose with your salty BFF's, Shrimp n' Lobster! Don't limit your experience to just one area, as much as we love seeing our creative and Eco-conscious friends, be sure to diversify yourselves and experience the beautiful language of French in the booth just next to us! Not to mention there will be a beautiful array of speakers, music and even a vegan fashion show!
Check out the event HERE!
Look under the Ocean surface and you will find thousands of golf balls littered on the ocean floor near famed Pebble Beach Golf course. This is a stark reminder to think twice before you send a hard drive out to sea. Golf balls are plastic and release toxins, not to mention micro plastics into the ocean as they slowly break down. Luckily hero's like Alex Weber are picking up these toxic eyesores! Check out his story HERE!
Why is Joshua Tree National Park so amazing?! It's the trees that this glorious park is named after! These prickly wacky stubs average lifespan is 500 years, but the oldest is calculated to be around 1000 years old. That's 1000 more reasons to love and continue to protect them!
If you pass through Joshua Tree while the government is shut down remember to pack out what you pack in. Leave no trace behind! And please, leave the trees alone, they've been there a long time. Make that a general rule of thumb. The trees and the Park Rangers will thank you for it. Learn about Joshua Tree National park HERE! This is a friendly reminder no matter where you are, whether a park or just walking the streets, an overflowing garbage is one that hasn't been picked up, To avoid the temptation to creating an even bigger mess by adding to the pile, just pack out what you packed in! It's easy! And you will feel better that you didn't add to an already icky problem! Yay! Show you love where you live by keeping your streets and parks clean!
Companies are changing for the better! Thank you to Ikea, Royal Caribbean and Sea World for banning plastic straws and bags from your facilities. Let's hope your strong stance will influence others (shareholders) of other large companies to follow suit. Learn about these changes (which can't come soon enough!) HERE!
Habits are hard to break but this one will help us all, especially our wonderful sea creatures, who are the ones hurting from our plastic overload. Remember if you can't use it refuse it! Let's reject straws and plastic bags! We have more power by just saying no. China has stopped purchasing our recyclables unless we start "cleaning" up our act! They give us a 0.5 % buffer of impurities...Otherwise our garbage stays here. Keep it clean and learn about our predicament in San Francisco, HERE!
As we push to be a zero waste city by 2020 (that's two years!) let's be more cognizant about what we purchase. If you can't reuse it, refuse it! That means avoid one use plastics! Try it. See if you can take a tally of what you pick up at the grocery store. You might be throwing away more than you think. The bottom line, this stuff we are throwing out is building up. After all it's quite easy! Say, "No Thanks" to the straw in your drink, to the lids for your take out coffee's. A little bit every day, makes a huge difference! Even the Royals are jumping on the Green bandwagon. Check it out HERE!
That's one classy Palace! Turns out the Queen and Sir Attenborough have bonded over the red hot alarm of one use plastics that are destroying our oceans. The Royals have put their high pedigree foot down and have had enough! They have banned plastics from the household and are turning to a greener alternative. Learn about this transition HERE!
This winter has been particularly cold, especially in our warmer southern coastal states. Unfortunately, it can be quite devastating for our fun loving sea creatures! In particular the Sea Turtle. Hundreds of them get paralyzed, essentially, stunned by the cold. At that point they become casualties of boats and or develop pneumonia. Learn about the sea turtle HERE! And let's celebrate those that rescue them and help keep our sea turtles safe!
Explorer, Environmentalist, and filmmaker James Cameron, along with his wife Suzy Amis Cameron are on the front lines of eating Green and saving the planet while doing it! The Guardian shares their message HERE!
*Veganism can be hard to do, but it's easy to reduce your intake of meats, dairy and eggs. Beef and lamb are ESPECIALLY toxic to the environment. Look for alternative proteins, like legumes, nuts, quinoa, even oats! Did you know that one cup of oats is 26 grams of protein while 1/4 pound beef patty is 20 grams of protein. Looks like the plant based protein wins this round! By choosing more mindful eating habits and sticking to primarily vegetarian/vegan lifestyle, we are cutting down on pollution, deforestation and loss of habitat. Let's "cut down" our intake of animal based products and PLANT some trees instead! And let's protect what we've got while we've got it. After all, there is only one Earth. |
About Shrimp n' Lobster![]() "We Love to Explore!" Archives
February 2019